1. Письменно переведите 2 и 3 абзацы. 1. The competitive environment affects the number and types of competitors the marketing manager must
1. The competitive environment
affects the number and types of
competitors the marketing manager
must face – and how they may
behave. Although marketing
managers usually can’t control these
factors, they can choose strategies
and avoid head-on competition.
Economists describe four basic,
kinds of market situations: pure
competition, oligopoly, monopolistic
competition, and monopoly.
Understanding the differences
Among these market situations is
2. Most marketing managers in
developed economies face
monopolistic competition. In
monopolistic competition, marketing
managers try to differentiate very
similar products by relying on other
elements of the marketing mix. If
potential customers view the different
offerings as essentially similar, the
market will become more and more
competitive and firms will have to
rely on lower costs to obtain a
competitive advantage.
3. The economist’s traditional view
is that most product-markets head
toward pure competition – or
oligopoly – over the long run. In these
situations, a marketing manager
competes for customers against
competitions who are offering very
similar products. Customers seeing
the different available products
(marketing mixes) as closer
substitutes, competing firms must
compete with lower and lover prices,
especially in pure competition where
there are likely to be large numbers
of competitors. Avoiding pure
competition is sensible - and certainly
fits with our emphasis on target
4. Effective target marketing is
fundamentally different from effective
decision making in other areas of
business. Target marketers try to offer
customers a marketing mix better
suited to their needs than competitors´
offerings. Yet monopoly situations, in
which one firm completely controls a
broad product market, are rare in
market – directed economies. More
than that, governments commonly
regulate monopolies. Although most
marketing managers can’t expect to
operate with complete control in an
unregulated monopoly, they can move
away from head-on competition.
3. Напишите правильный вариант
ответа на вопросы.
1. Why does the competition exist in
monopolistic situation?
2. What is a monopoly situation?
4. Найдите окончание данным ниже
незаконченным предложениям.
6. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.
1. What is the competitive
2. How many basis kinds of
competitive situations do you know?
3. Want is a monopolistic competition?
4. Who faces monopolistic
competition very often?
5. Why do competitive firms compete
with lower and lover prices in
8. Выпишите из текста предложения с,
содержащие следующие
грамматические формы и обороты:
независимый причастный оборот
(Absolute Participle Construction),
сложное подлежащие(Complex
9. Подчеркните во 2 и 4 абзацах текста
инфинитив, герундий, причастия
настоящего и прошедшего времени,
выпишите их и определите их
функцию в предложении.
10. Перепишите данные ниже
предложения и переведите их,
принимая во внимание, что
инфинитивные обороты
соответствуют чаще всего
придаточным предложениям.
1. This experiments is said to have 1. Говорят, что этот эксперимент был
been completed successfully. завершён удачно.
2. The new plant to be opened on the
1st of March is the largest plant in
this city.
3. I did everything I could to achieve
my aim.
4. He was taken to the meeting to
check and sing the contract.
5. I often see them study the
6. The expedition is thought to have
reached the Angara river.
7. This politician was heard to express
a similar point of view in connection
with the recent debates.
11. Перепишите данные ниже
предложения и переведите их,
принимая во внимание, что
причастные обороты соответствуют
чаще всего придаточным
1. Having spoken to the
management, he made a decision.
2. Being well trained, he did the
woke quickly.
3. Having been offered this position
i accepted it
4. if desired, price lists are sent free
of charge.
5. The house being built in this
Street is very beautiful.
6. There being no further meeting to 6. Поскольку дальнейшие встречи не надо
arrange, the secretary went home. было организовывать, секретарь пошёл
7. This problem having been solved,
we can conduct the necessary
12. Перепишите данные ниже
предложения и переведите их на
русский язык.
1. He spoke about their being
prevented from coming.
2. They came without being invited.
3. I heard of the bridge being built.
4. He disliked being suddenly 4. Ему не нравилось, когда его внезапно
awakened in the middle of the night будили серди ночи и отвозили лицам,
and taken to persons whom he did которых он не хотел видеть.
not want to meet with.
5. I remember seeing this film last
6. They disliked our having chosen
this trade.
7. Her being so well prepared
pleased him very mach.
1. Конкурентной среды влияет на количество и типы конкурентов менеджер по маркетингу приходится сталкиваться - и как они могут вести себя. Хотя маркетинг менеджеры обычно не может контролировать эти факторы, они могут выбрать стратегию и избежать лобового конкуренции. Экономисты описывают четыре основных, видов рыночных ситуаций: чисто конкуренция, олигополия, монополистическая конкуренции и монополии. Понимание различий Среди этих рыночных ситуациях полезно. 2. Большинство менеджеров по маркетингу в развитой экономикой лицо монополистической конкуренции. В монополистической конкуренции, маркетинг менеджеры пытаются дифференцировать очень аналогичные продукты, опираясь на другие элементов маркетинг-микса. Если потенциальных клиентов зрения различных Предложения, по существу аналогичные, рынок будет становиться все более и более конкурентоспособной и фирм придется рассчитывать на снижение затрат для получения конкурентное преимущество.
Источник: https://znanija.com/task/162088
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