Прочитайте текст и письменно ответьте на вопросы, следующие за...

7 февраля 2013 - Администратор

Прочитайте текст и письменно ответьте на вопросы, следующие за текстом: We are students of an Omsk medical college. Our college is on the left side of the city. We go there every day. At the college we study many subjects, and English is one of them. We are present at a lecture. The lecture is taking place in large hall. The young men and women sitting in the hall ara students of the college. All the students are present. Is Comrade Klimov Here& Yes, he is. Where is he? He is sitting at the first table near the teacher. All his friends are also sitting there. What are they looking at? They are looking at the blackboard. The old man stading at the blackboard is the teacher. He is speaking about the theme of his lectures. This is his first lecture. His bag is on the table. His papers and notes are on the table too, but he is not looking at his notes. He is looking at the students and speaking. The lecture is over. The teacher is taking his papers and notes. He is going to the door. Now the students are standing up. They are going to the door, too. The students are in the hall. Look at that group of students standing in the middle of the hall! They are speaking. What are they speaking about the lecture.


_ Вопросы: 1. Are you a stydent of the college ? 2. Where is the college situated? 3. Is your college big or small? 4. Do you like your college? 5 Is your college far from your house?


1) Yes,We are students of an Omsk medical college.

2)Our college is on the left side of the city.

3)Our  college is a  big.

4)Yes i do.

5)No isn't.(v tekste ne pishetsa gde dom,pishetsa cto

Наш колледж находится на левой стороне города.ya napisala cto ne doleko))))))))




Ответ #2:

1) Yes,We are students of an Omsk medical college.

2)Our college is on the left side of the city.3)Our college is a big.4)Yes i do.5)No isn't.(v tekste ne pishetsa gde dom,pishetsa cto

Источник: https://znanija.com/task/344933

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