Как все наверное знают отличить Present Perfect и Past simple...
10 февраля 2013 - Администратор
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Как все наверное знают отличить Present Perfect и Past simple не всегда легко. . особенно если нет слов-маркеров.
Поэтому прошу помощи. . Мне задали написать диалог, но меня интересует вот эти две части. .
B:Then where have you been?
A:Oh, nowhere. I wanted to go to America two years ago, but now i don't want to go there.
A:I understood, that my wish is impossible, so i refused of it.
И 2-я
B:Have you heard some interesting news?
B:I heard, that Brian flunked his exam last week.
A:Why did he flunk the exam?
B:He lost his homework, so he didn't repeat a topic.
Правильно ли я все указала?Если нет то поправьте меня. . и объясните мои ошибки, ибо я совсем запуталась между этими временами
B:Then where have you been? (Present Perfect)
A:Oh, nowhere. I wanted (Past simple) to go to America two years ago,but now i don't want to go there.
A:I understood (Past simple) that my wish is impossible, so i abandoned(Past simple) that idea.
И 2-я
B:Have you heard some interesting news?(Present Perfect)
B:I heard (Past simple) that Brian flunked (Past simple) his exam last week.
A:Why did (Past simple)he flunk the exam?
B:He lost (Past simple)his homework, so he didn't repeat a topic.(Past simple)
Источник: https://znanija.com/task/231159
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