Злой волшебник дал объявление с просьбой помочь ему найти...
7 февраля 2013 - Администратор
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Злой волшебник дал объявление с просьбой помочь ему найти друга Трикки медвежонка Билли. Прочитай его и измени так, чтобы Билли не нашли.
HELP! HELP! He is strong and brave. His face is funny. He has got a black nose. He can swim, sing and run. He lives in the forest.
HELP! HELP! He is not strong and not brave. His face is ugly. He has got a white nose. He can't swim, sing and run. He lives in the field.
HELP! HELP! He is silly and cowardly. His face is ugly and awful. He has got a giant terrible nose. He can't swim, sing and run. He lives in a trash dump.
Источник: https://znanija.com/task/212110
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