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29 декабря 2012 - Администратор
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З 1) What kind of clothes do lawyers wear? 2) What do you have if an ax falls on your car? 3) What is in the army and is corny? 4) What do you call a man when a Marine sits on him? 5) An old fashioned bike wheel has 21 spokes. How many spaces are between the spokes - 20, 21, or 22? 6) Where did Pilgrims land when they arrived in America? 7) Who succeeded the first President? 8) When is the best time to have lunch? 9) When should you strike a match? 10) What makes a man bald-headed? 11) What always ends everything? 12) What is it that one needs most in the long run? 13) What animal keeps the best time? 14) Why should you always carry a watch when crossing a desert? 15) A man went on a trip on Friday, stayed for 2 days and returned on Friday. How is that possible? 16) What has 4 wheels and flies? 17) How do you make a Venetian blind? 18) How do you get to Carnegie Hall? 19) Think fast: There's an electric train traveling south. The wind is from the north-west. In which direction would the smoke from the train be blowing? 20) What is the second most used letter in the English language? Hint: it is also the first letter of the most used word in the English language. О : 1) Lawsuits 2) An ax-i-dent (accident) 3) A colonel (kernel). 4) Submarine. 5) 21; draw it and count them. 6) On their feet. 7) The second one! 8) After breakfast! 9) Only when it becomes violent. 10) Lack of hair. 11) The letter "g." 12) Your breath. 13) A watchdog. 14) Because it has a spring in it. 15) Friday is a horse! 16) A garbage truck! 17) Poke him in the eye! 18) Practice, practice, practice! 19) An electric train has no smoke! 20) The letter "T."
The athlete I want to become.
I come to the athlete:
-Tell here about what
How you became the athlete?
He has smiled in the answer:
-Very simply. It is a lot of years
Daily, having got up,
I lift ...
Источник: https://znanija.com/task/184773
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