Составить десять придложений о Украине на английском языке))) Рассказать о Украине, содержание типа как в буклете*

29 декабря 2012 - Администратор

Составить десять придложений о Украине на английском языке)))

Рассказать о Украине, содержание типа как в буклете*


Ukraine is a country in the East of Europe.Ukraine is a unitary state composed of 24 oblast one  automous republic Crimea.Kiev,it is capital and largest siti.The Ukrainian language is the official language in Ukraine.In Kiev has many unique structures such as Saint Sophia Cathedral and broad boulvards.There are often cities well known to tourists such as the harbour town Odessa, and the old siti of Lviv in the west of Ukraine.Popular vacation destination for tourists for swimming or suntaning on the Black Sea With warm climate.Visitors can olso take cruise tours by ship on Dnieper River from Kiev to the Black Sea.Welcome to Ukraine

Источник: https://znanija.com/task/166209

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