Say what sport you would / wouldn't like to do and what game you would / wouldn't like to play and explain why. Example: I wouldn't like to play golf as I think it is boring ________

29 декабря 2012 - Администратор

Say what sport you would / wouldn't like to do and what game you would / wouldn't like to play and explain why.

Example: I wouldn't like to play golf as I think it is boring


do,    | baseball       |

play  | badminton   | a great thrill

        | Bowling       | boring

        | Boxing        | common

        | canoeing     | dangerous

        | curling        | different from others


сорри. не очень понятно. по крайней мере мне


I would like to play baseball as I think it is a captivating game.

I would like to play badminton as I think it is a great thrill.

I wouldn't like to play Bowling as I think it is boring.

I wouldn't like to do Boxing as I think it is common.

I wouldn't like to do canoeing as I think it is dangerous.

I would like to play curling as I think it is different from others.

Кликни "Лучшее решение", если несложно.

I would like to


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