рассказ письмо другу на 35 слов

29 декабря 2012 - Администратор
рассказ письмо другу на 35 слов


Hello my dear Friend.

Im here in Brimgton few days. Is awesome. Here I help some people with horses and

pigs . I have to clean horses boxes and feed them three times in day.Is not too hard work, but I have to get up early sometimes. In my free time I read books and spend time with farm owners kids- they are very nice kids. We go to the walk and play soccer everyday. Im really happy. I miss my friends and my lovely country Poland. I think that you should see this pretty place. Can you visit me? I hope you can, becouse we `ll have a great time together. The owners said : You friend will be able to vistit ous in 21th of July, If she would. So i hope that you want visit me. Bye

Источник: https://znanija.com/task/856

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