рассказ на английском о маме. которая главная в семье
8 февраля 2013 - Администратор
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My mom is the best.Everyone knows that there is on earth no nearer and dearer man than my mother. From the very first minutes of our life, we are surrounded by her warmth and care, she, becoming older, we mention our secrets and fears, share her impressions about the world around us and always count on the full support and understanding from their side.I want to tell you about my Mother, my most close and native man.Mom... This is the first word that I said, deliberately turning to Her. Everything around me was linked to Her presence. Later, a little later, I, probably, not so often thought of Her, as in early childhood, but all my sorrows and joys of the I all the same, first of all, tell it was Her.What is it, my Mom? You can find millions of words, the most gentle and tender, beautiful and worthy, but it is unlikely they will be able to reflect the whole fullness of my feelings towards It.The kind and fair, tender, serious, courageous and tender, strong and sensitive, and more... I don't know - and all of this together, at the same time! And every time It's new, different and still the same - my only one!Mother is a doctor on call. The respect of her colleagues, Her worship of the sick, which it treats. And it is justly proud of their profession.I guess I could endlessly talk about It, but its a short essay I want to finish the famous lines:
Let there always be the sun!Let there always be the sky!Let there always be a Mother...
Источник: https://znanija.com/task/319603
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