расказать про хобби
29 декабря 2012 - Администратор
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My name is Nikita. I like sport. My hobby is swimming. When I was child father me learn to swim. Now I go to our river and learn to swim my friends, classmates. I have many pictures when I am on a river. My mother and father very proud of me.I am very happyy because I can swim
I like doing a lot of things when I have a spare time. I think I should mention the two main hobbies.
Firstly, I play hockey. Moreover, I'm a member of school hockey team. Our team often take part in various regional competitions and regularly become an awarder or even winner of those. I'm proud of being the ice-hockey player because cowards don't play hockey.
Secondly, I like singing. I sing everywhere. I do it at home, at school concerts, at birthday parties. I've been practising music for about 4 years. I do it since my Mom observed my singing skills.
To sum it up, I'm a very interesting person!
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Источник: https://znanija.com/task/146030
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