Put the words in the correct order to make sentences and...

13 февраля 2013 - Администратор
Put the words in the correct order to make sentences and questions: 1) used \ lazy \ He \ be \ very \ to 2) you \ motorbike \ to \ Did \ have \ use \ a? 3) didn't \ be \ She \ to \ so \ bad-tempered \ use 4) live \ village \ use \ didn't \ in \ a \ They \ to 5) to \ a \ There \ in \ used \ church \ \ that \ be \ srteet 6) school \ she \ a \ to \ Did \ go \ to \ use \ different ?


1. He used to be very lazy.2. Did you use to have a motorbike?3. She didn't use to be so bad-tempered4. The didn't use live in a village.5. There used to be a church in that stret.6. Did she use to go to a different school?

Ответ #2:

1. He used to be very lazy.

2. Did you use to have a motorbike?

3. She didn't use to be so bad-tempered.

4. The didn't use live in a village.

5. There used to be a church in that stret.

6. Did she use to go to a different school?

Источник: https://znanija.com/task/332952

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