Пожалуйста напишете  сочинение на английском, на тему "берегите природу!"

29 декабря 2012 - Администратор

Пожалуйста напишете  сочинение на английском, на тему "берегите природу!"


Nowadays, nature is being harmed by people' intervention, that is, industrial pollution. Pollution is an ecological problem for people throughout the world. Some university study suggests that contaminated substances in the water, air, and soil cause up to 40% of the premature deaths on Earth. Most of these deaths occur in developing countries.

In many 3rd world countries, air is contaminated with toxins. Water pollution is a growing problem throughout the world. Approximately 80% of infectious diseases in the world are caused by contaminated water. Soil pollution is also a major concern, both in industrial and developing countries. Governments generally warn the public before major health outbreaks occur, however even such measures don't prevent people from being in close touch with pollutants. Toxic substances even contaminate the food supply. Today, all the nations, particularly the developed nations are responsible for protecting the Earth's resources and our Mother Nature for future generaions.

So, all the people in the world, every boy and every girl should always think and care of the nature.

Отметь, как "Лучшее решение",если несложно простым кликом!


Источник: https://znanija.com/task/177661

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