описание жирафа на английском языке
Mammal from group artiodactyl, families жирафовых. Is the highest land animal of a planet. For difference from related to him окапи («a wood giraffe») sometimes is called as a steppe giraffe. - Млекопитающее из отряда парнокопытных, семейства жирафовых. Является самым высоким наземным животным планеты. Для отличия от родственного ему окапи («лесного жирафа») иногда называется степным жирафом.
Ответ #2:
These animals live in Central Africa. You probably already guessed that it was a giraffe. The adult male reaches the growth of five and a half - six feet and weighs a ton. It looks very disproportionate to the giraffe. Judge for yourself: Extremely long, slender legs, narrow chest, very long neck, small head that ends with excessively large ears. And all this is crowned with small horns. The impression is that the nature of that got it wrong. Patchy fur giraffe was the occasion for the most incredible legends. Thus, the ancient Egyptians, who knew these animals still for fifteen hundred years BC, believed that giraffes - the offspring of camels and leopards. Just thought the ancient Romans, who called them camelopardalis, which means verblyudoleopard. This name was preserved to our time as the scientific name of species. Giraffes summoned and admired since prehistoric times. Bushmen are very similar to paint them on rocks. Arab ruler sent them a gift to other rulers as a sign of peace and friendship. Giraffe only at first sight neskladen. This is a very graceful animal. He is perfectly adapted to live in the most arid regions, where water and grass during the drought of almost disappear. The long front legs a giraffe and an unusual neck allow it during the drought to feed his favorite food - leaves from the tops of acacia trees. Giraffe has sensitive hearing and sharp vision. He sees enemies at long range, and strong hind legs enable it with lightning speed to rush from their seats. Giraffe runs very fast. It's quite a long time can be carried at a speed of 60 km / h. He is not difficult to leave behind a lion - the only predator that can take a giraffe its prey. But even the king of beasts, and, perhaps, think twice before attacking a giraffe. After all, if the lion is not zastignet giraffe surprise (and it happens very rarely), then he faces almost certain death by lethal blows sharp hooves. Courting a giraffe goes for long, and without any expression of feelings. The female gives birth to only one calf. Newborn weighs from 45 to 70 kilograms and his height exceeds two meters. Giraffes have long been considered to be dumb. But scientists have discovered they have well-developed vocal cords. Even there are reports that these animals communicate with bleating and pohryukivaniya. There is also a misconception, though giraffes are not sleeping. In fact, they are from time to time podremyvayut "standing. Sometimes, sleep, and really, his head resting on his back. But it is very long: at most - five minutes. In addition to the lion in the giraffe there is another enemy. This is a man. Year after year, hunters killed thousands of giraffes in Africa for the sake of a strong skin and tasty meat. Since giraffes do not interfere with cultivated fields, a special destruction they had not been. While a man will leave the giraffes enough places for living, you need not fear their extinction.
Источник: https://znanija.com/task/6627
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