Очень срочно нужен диалог по английскому на тему "Как я провела свои летние каникулы?"

31 декабря 2012 - Администратор
Очень срочно нужен диалог по английскому на тему "Как я провела свои летние каникулы?"



I a long ago dreamed to visit on a south, meet with a sea. Me a sister invited in guests to Anapa and I agreed with pleasure.

We stationed oneself in a farm Red. He is not far from Anapa. From a stop we were taken away by owners on a gazelle, us it was not enough, just four men from a city, other went in search of the happiness to Геленджик. A wonderful two-storeyed house expected us with comfortable rooms, with a beautiful garden, arbours. A hostess has the dining-room, where it is possible to eat, rest, it is also possible to visit a local shop and buy to itself anything delicious. Great number of domestic animals : from fishes, parrots, tortoises to the lady-cats. To the city of Anapa somewhere minutes twenty of ride. An owner conveies holiday-makers in a city to the beach two times in a day, in the morning and in the evening, but it is possible to reach by the motion of − on a bus.

In the evening resting after arrival, became acquainted with cohabitants, found to itself friends from different cities and different ages

The next day from a morning we went in a city, on a beach. In the first days a sea was quiet, waves hurried to the bank only from by swimming motor ships, yachts sparkled in the distance..

Anapa is a city wonderful, bright and interesting. Here many child's camps and resort hotels.

For tourists round clock benches work with souvenirs, where it is possible to find quite everything for a house, native and friends.

In closing dates a weather was spoilt, became more cold. It was sadly to say goodbye to the sunny city and new friends. But vacations walked up to the end and we needed to return home. It a journey left the wonderful impressions in my heart.

Ответ #2:

Mysummer vacation

My name is (імя), I am studying in the(клас)th grade in school number(номер школи), I spent my summer vacation just fine, and held them with his family, first we went to the Black Sea, where we swam, rested and built a tower of sand and a week later we got to the house, but at home I nesydila I spent time with friends and younger brother, and yet we went to the lake, catching fish and, of coursebathed, at the end of summer when the weather was good, we went into the woods for mushrooms, the whole family and took up 3 large basket of various mushrooms, very cool, I spent my summer vacation

Источник: https://znanija.com/task/261047

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