очень срочно надо напишите плизWrite about your school Physical Training lessons (8 sentences). Give some information about: -how many PT lessons you have per week; -what you like mos

29 декабря 2012 - Администратор

очень срочно надо напишите плизWrite about your school Physical Training lessons (8 sentences). Give some information about:

-how many PT lessons you have per week;

-what you like most about them;

-your likes/dislikes about sports facilities;

-what you would like to change.


We have Physical Training two times a week: on ... and ... . Its so good to spend an hour in the gym doing exercise,play team games.Girls usually play volleyball or pioner ball.Boys something train long and high jump.Most of all I like play football. We go outside and play football.I enjoy play football.I would be great have a swimming pool on the territory of our school

Источник: https://znanija.com/task/195001

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