Нужно написать сочинение на тему Зима (не обязательно большое минимум 6 предложений)

29 декабря 2012 - Администратор
Нужно написать сочинение на тему Зима (не обязательно большое минимум 6 предложений)


There are a lot of important things in my life. But a winter takes big part in it. I love look up in the sky and watch how it snowing. The winter has much more good things than other seasons. For example, a lot of holidays! New Year, St Valentine's Day and other. The winter brings to me nothing but happiness.

Ответ #2:

I'm going to tell you about my favorite time of year. I like the time `cause I admire when I see snow,snowy trees.My best times have been related whith the season. I like Christmas holidays and vacation. My family have some traditions how spend the Christmas time. All along I should tell you my family celebrate the time in a calm atmosphere. There are a hen,pudding, cake and pelmeni on our table,there are tree with different decorations like tinsel in our home .It`s all what i wanted to tell you about winter.

Источник: https://znanija.com/task/47569

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