напишите пожалуйста тему по английскому языку называется " Hobbies, past time, the internet"

я вас очень прошу много не надо 20-25 предложений

29 декабря 2012 - Администратор

напишите пожалуйста тему по английскому языку называется " Hobbies, past time, the internet"

я вас очень прошу много не надо 20-25 предложений


вот там то что я тебе отправила в сылкаф,вот там твои два сочинения!

я отправила перевод и на англиском!


Ответ #2:


How many time we spend on Internet. We writing and reading something there, we look through many sites.

Some people say that Internet is dangerous I don’t think so. After all, it keeps you informed about what is happening in the world. You can communicate with your friends, relatives and with other people, you can also see films and play some games.  It is a cheap form of entertainment, which gives pleasure to millions of people, especially those, who live alone.

But sometimes people forget about real world. Internet is like a drug. You come from school, work or other place, it doesn’t matter, sit down on the chair, turn on a computer and enter the Internet. You can also stay there for all day, only at night you will remember that you haven’t made any certain things. I think it bad. But it’s impossible to disagree, that it brings much that good and if not the Internet most people would lose touch as soon as time for phone-calls would cease to ne, thanks the Internet they can communicate and share news, even if they live in the different countries.


After-school activities (Hobbies)


There is plenty to do after-school hours. Everybody has a hobby, but sometimes they don't even realize it. You may like reading, painting, dancing or playing piano and etc. Some of them trains hard. They plays for our school in basketball or football they take part in youth participate. And you exactly know that it is the best thing to do in the world for you. But some people may think it is useless. Don’t give up, be yourself, be individual.

As most young people I spend my after-school hours doing my homework, reading books, communicating with my friends and during this time I learn a lot because we all people of equal interests and by sharing information we are informed about every thing.

I think it is common with most young people to spend some time outdoors, we visit cinemas, come to each other, girls like to do window shopping after school, we spend time with pleaser and some pupils prefer spend their free time to revise for the exams. I think it is very good too. It is interesting for them very much.

Источник: https://znanija.com/task/169037

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