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5 февраля 2013 - Администратор
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The great English scientist Isaac Newton was born in the village of Woolthorpe,not far from the university town Cambridge on December 25.1642.Little Isaac was left to care of his mother,grandmother and uncle who sent him to school.In his early years young Isaac made various things. He made a clock that worked by water.He also made a sun-dial.When Isaac grew older,he took a considerable interest in mathematics.His ability as mathematician and physicist was very important.His first physical experiment was carried out when he was sixteen years old.
On June 5,1661 Newton entered the University of Cambridge where he studied mathematics.Soon he became famous for his contribution to mathematics by the time he was twenty-one.When Newton was twenty-two years old he began studying the theory of gravitation.In 1665,while he was on a visit in his native village,he saw an apple fall from a tree and began wondering what force made the apple fall.
Тургенев Иван Сергеевич (1818-1883 гг.)Великий русский писатель. Родился в городе Орле, в среднепоместной дворянской семье. Учился в частном пансионе в Москве, затем в университетах — Московском, Петербургском, Берлинском. Свой литературный путь Тургенев начал как поэт . В 1838—1847 гг. он пишет и печатает в журналах лирические стихотворения и поэмы ( «Параша», «Помещик» , «Андрей» ...).Оказал большое влияние на русскую и мировую литературу. Выдающийся мастер психологического анализа, описания картин природы. Создал ряд социально-психологических романов — «Рудин», «Накануне», «Дворянское гнездо», «Отцы и дети», повести «Лея», «Вешние воды», в которых вывел как представителей уходящей дворянской культуры, так и новых героев эпохи — разночинцев и демократов. Его образы самоотверженных русских женщин обогатили литературоведение особым термином — «тургеневские девушки».
Turgenev, Ivan Sergeyevich (1818-1883 gg.) The great Russian writer. He was born in Orel, in srednepomestnoy noble family. He studied at the private boarding school in Moscow, then in universities - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Berlin. His literary path Turgenev began as a poet. In 1838-1847 years. He writes and publishes in journals and poems lyric poems ("Parasha", "landlord", "Andrew"...). Had a great influence on Russian and world literature. A master of psychological analysis and description of the paintings of nature. Created a number of socio-psychological novels - "Rudin," "Before," "Noble Nest," "Fathers and Sons" story "Leah", "Spring Waters," which brought in as members of the outgoing aristocratic culture and the new heroes of the era - commoners and the Democrats. His self-denial of Russian women have enriched the literature a special term - 'Turgenev girl. "
Источник: https://znanija.com/task/334482
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