как я провел летние каникулы

29 декабря 2012 - Администратор
как я провел летние каникулы


Mysummer vacation

My name is (імя), I am studying in the (клас) grade in school number(номер школи), I spent my summer vacation just fine, and held them with his family, first we went to the Black Sea, where we swam, rested and built a tower of sand and a week later we got to the house, but at home I nesydila I spent time with friends and younger brother, and yet we went to the lake, catching fish and, of coursebathed, at the end of summer when the weather was good, we went into the woods for mushrooms, the whole family and took up 3 large basket of various mushrooms, very cool, I spent my summer vacation


Источник: https://znanija.com/task/257812

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