Exercise 1. Put the verbs into the form of Present Perfect Simple. A. 1. I (not / work) _have not worked_ today. 2. We (buy) ______________ a new lamp. 3. We (not / plan) __________________ our holida

29 декабря 2012 - Администратор
Exercise 1. Put the verbs into the form of Present Perfect Simple. A. 1. I (not / work) _have not worked_ today. 2. We (buy) ______________ a new lamp. 3. We (not / plan) __________________ our holiday yet. 4. Where (be / you) ____________________? 5. He (write) __________________ five letters. 6. She (not / see) _________________ him for a long time. 7. (be / you) ______________________ at school? 8. School (not / start) _______________________ yet. 9. (speak / he) _____________________ to his boss? 10. No, he (have / not) _________________________ the time yet. 11. Betty (spend) _________________________________ 200 euros at the shopping mall.


. I have not worked today. 2. We have bought a new lamp. 3. We have not planned our holiday yet. 4. Where have you been? 5. He has written five letters. 6. She has not seen him for a long time. 7. Have you been at school? 8. School has not started yet. 9. Has he spoken to his boss? 10. No, he has not the time yet. 11. Betty has spent 200 euros at the shopping mall.

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Источник: https://znanija.com/task/179427

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