Дууууууууууже треба!!! Вставте слова. A)Bill is. . . His family are Mr. . . , his father, . . . His friends are . . . They live in. . . His hobby is. . . He l

19 января 2013 - Администратор

Дууууууууууже треба!!!

Вставте слова.

A)Bill is. . .

His family are Mr. . . , his father, . . .

His friends are . . . They live in. . .

His hobby is. . . He likes playing. .

He goes to school. His favourite subject is. . .

He likes it because. . .

b)Bill lives in. .

Englishmen speak. . .

In England they play. . .

At Cheristmas. . .

At Easter. . .

They say. . .  


Bill is his friends are ... They live in...

bill lives in..In England they play...

Источник: https://znanija.com/task/271199

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