доклад об оон

29 декабря 2012 - Администратор
доклад об оон


The United Nations - the international organization of the states, are created with a view of maintenance and strengthening of the world, safety and cooperation development between the states. The charter of the United Nations preliminary developed at conference in Dumbarton-Okse in 1944 representatives of the USSR, the USA, Great Britain and China, is signed on June, 26th by 1945 states-participants constituent the Dignity-Frantsissky of conference 1945 and has come into force on October, 24th 1945. For September, 1st 1994 the United Nations structure included 184 states (in т. ч. The Russian Federation). United Nations Principal organs: General Assembly of the United Nations, Security council, Economic and Social council, Council about guardianship, the International court and Secretary. Headquarters in New York. United Nations official languages are English, Spanish, Chinese, Russian and French; in General Assembly, Security council, Economic and Social councils the Arabian language is official also.From April, 25th till June, 26th, 1945 in San Franciscos (USA) the conference which has finished work on creation the United Nations Organization (United Nations) has taken place. Its Charter has been confirmed. It in many respects reminded the Charter of League of the Nations. International peace and safety maintenance, development of friendship between the countries, realization of the international cooperation in resolution of problems of economic, social and humanitarian character was the purpose of the new organization. The United Nations have been based on a principle of equality of all members, the peace decision of disputes, abstention from threats of application of force. Thus the United Nations had no right to interfere with internal affairs, except cases when such intervention is required for maintenance of peace.The United Nations supreme body had been defined the General Assembly gathering for the sessions once a year, and the Security council consisting then from 11 members - 5 constant (the USSR, the USA, Great Britain, France and China) and 6 changeable, selected on General Assembly for two years. The security council is constantly operating body to which direct duties on maintenance of peace are assigned under the Charter. For realization of the powers the Security council has the right to inflict on a sanction aggressor, to enter blockade and to apply against it force. At the decision of all questions, except procedural, unanimity of constant councilors of Safety is required. The general Assembly, besides, selects Economic and social council. Council about guardianship. The international court. Secretary led by the Secretary general of the United Nations. Later under the aegis of the United Nations the various specialized organizations have been created: UNESCO (the United Nations Organization by training, a science and culture), the CART (World Health Organization), the SQUANDERER (the International organization of work), Fao (the Food and agricultural organization), UNISEF (Children's fund of the United Nations) etc. have signed the Charter of 50 states, Except the USSR, have signed it also the Ukrainian and the Belorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, received the status of members of the United Nations.

Источник: https://znanija.com/task/176196

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