Диалог продовца и покупателя, где продавец дает совет какой фильм посмотреть покупателю.

29 декабря 2012 - Администратор
Диалог продовца и покупателя, где продавец дает совет какой фильм посмотреть покупателю.


- Hello. I would like to buy the DVD. Preferably, the comedy. - Take a look here. - This new movies? - It's a new movie. - What do you think is interesting about them? - That I have not seen it, but these tips. - Were you interested in? - Yes, it's a good comedy. - Okay, I'll take this. - Please. - Thank you. - Come again.

Ответ #2:



-Can I help you?

-Yes, please. How much does this cake cost?

-800 roubles.

-Wow, I didn't suppose it to be so expensive. What about that one?

-It's a bit cheaper. 600 roubles.

-Ok, I'll take it. Can you pack it up, please?

-Certainly! Anyhing else?

-No, thanks,that's all.

-Here is your cake! Keep the change.

-Thank you!

-You're welcome! See you again!

Ставь "лучшее решение" - помогу еще раз!

Источник: https://znanija.com/task/151350

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