4 типа запитань до цього речення (Who is?Is/Are, What, When. . . , Is/Are. . . . or. . . . ) We are reading a sci-fi story about aliens these days.

19 января 2013 - Администратор

4 типа запитань до цього речення (Who is?Is/Are, What, When. . . , Is/Are. . . . or. . . . ) We are reading a sci-fi story about aliens these days.


We are reading a sci-fi story about aliens these days.

1. Who is reading a sci-fi story?

2. Are we reading a sci-fi story?

3. What are we reading?

4. When are we reading a sci-fi story?

5. What story are we reading?

6. What is the story about?

7. Is the story about aliens or about animals?

8. We are reading a sci-fi story about aliens, aren't we?



Источник: https://znanija.com/task/315975

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