What is the European Union for you?7-10 предложений
Europejsky union (Evrosojuz, EU) — economic and political association of 27 European states. [4] aimed at regional integration, the Union has been legally fixed by the Maastricht contract in 1992 on principles of the European communities. [5] with five hundred millions inhabitants [2] share of EU as whole in a world total internal product made in 2009 about 28 % (16,4 трлн $) on rating value and about 21 % (14,8 трлн $) — at par purchasing capacity. [3]By means of the standardized system of the laws operating in all countries of the union, the common market, [6] people guaranteeing free movement, the goods, the capital and services, [7] including cancellation of passport control within the Schengen zone into which enter both member countries, and other European states has been created. [8] union passes laws (instructions, acts and decisions) in sphere of justice and internal affairs, and also develops the general policy in trade areas, [9] agriculture, fisheries [10] and regional development. [11 seventeen countries of the union have entered uniform currency, euro into the reference, having formed an euro area.Being the subject of the international public law, the Union has powers on participation in the international relations and the conclusion of the international contracts. [12] the general foreign policy and the security policy providing carrying out of the coordinated external and defensive policy is generated. Worldwide constant diplomatic missions of EU are founded, representations in the United Nations Organization, the WTO, G8 and Group of twenty operate. EU delegations are headed by ambassadors of EU.EU — the international formation combining signs of the international organization (interstatehood) and the states (надгосударственность), [13 [14] however is formal it isn't neither that, nor another. In certain areas of the decision are accepted by independent supranational institutes, and in others — are carried out by means of negotiations between member states. The most important institutes of EU are the European commission, Council of the European union, the European council, Court of the European union and the European central bank. The European parliament is selected each five years citizens of EU.
Ответ #2:
For me as for other people European Union(EU) is an economic and political union. EU consist of 27 member states which are located primarily in Europe. Within the Schengen Area (which includes EU and non-EU states) passport controls have been abolished. EU policies aim to ensure the free movement of people, goods, services, and capital, enact legislation in justice and home affairs, and maintain common policies on trade, agriculture, fisheries and regional development. This is an organisaion for those who live in EU, they have a right to be able to relay on EU.
Для меня что касается и других людей Европейский союз (ЕС) является экономическим и политическим союзом. ЕС состоит из 27 государств-членов, которые расположены прежде всего в Европе. В Шенгенской области (который включает ЕС и Негосударства-члены ЕС) был отменен паспортный контроль. Политика ЕС стремится гарантировать свободное движение людей, товаров, услуг, и капитала, предписывать законодательство в правосудии и внутренних делах, и поддерживать общую политику на торговле, сельском хозяйстве, рыболовстве и региональном развитии. Это - организация для тех, кто живет в ЕС, они имеют право быть в состоянии положиться на ЕС.
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