Раскройте скобки: 1. He never (to fly) by plane. 2. We never (to take) much luggage when we travel. 3. Mary (not to buy) a ticket yet. We cant (to fly) to Yalta. 4. I think the Vinegar Witch

29 декабря 2012 - Администратор

Раскройте скобки:

1. He never (to fly) by plane. 2. We never (to take) much luggage when we travel. 3. Mary (not to buy) a ticket yet. We cant (to fly) to Yalta. 4. I think the Vinegar Witch (to steal) all the mustard seeds in Spice Country. 5. Why is your little sister (to cry)? 6. You (to find) all the books in this shop? 7. You (to understand) everything? 8. Who (to make) the coffee? 9. Look! Little Nick (to fall down).


1. He had never flown by plane.

2. We nad never taken much luggage when we travel.

3. Mary hasn't bought a ticket yet. We can't fly to Yalta

4. I think the Vinegar Witch have stolen all the mustard seeds in Spice Country

5. Why is your little sister crying?

6. Did you find all the books in this shop?

7. Did you understand everything?

8. Who makes the coffee?

9. Look! Little Nick is falling down

Источник: https://znanija.com/task/192116

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