Put in the words:part, place, care of, off

1)Who takes _____ you when you are sick?

2)Why don"t you take your hat _____?

3)We hope you"ll take_____ in the tennis comperirion at

31 декабря 2012 - Администратор

Put in the words:part, place, care of, off

1)Who takes _____ you when you are sick?

2)Why don"t you take your hat _____?

3)We hope you"ll take_____ in the tennis comperirion at the end of spring.

4)This year the Football World Cup takes_____ in Berlin


1. care of

2. off

3. part

4. place

Ответ #2:

Who takes care of you when you are sick?

Why don"t you take your hat off?

We hope you"ll take part in the tennis comperirion at the end of spring

This year the Football World Cup takes place in Berlin

Источник: https://znanija.com/task/163003

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