Проверте на ошибки? With my husband and I met at a...

8 февраля 2013 - Администратор

 Проверте на ошибки?


With my husband and I met at a birthday of a friend. We became friends and began to communicate. But I knew that he liked me. He beautifully cared for me and I fell in love. Spent all our free time together. Of course as we all have had a quarrel. We broke up but then realized that this love and decided to get married. I gave birth to a boy. Many years have passed and we already have their grandchildren. And today we celebrate a wedding anniversary.


1 предложение неправилньо построено

my husband and I met это ты написала со своим мужем и я познакомилась....

так правильно:

With my husband  I met at a birthday of a friend

а так вроде всё правильно на первый взгляд


Ответ #2:

1.I know

2. meet

Источник: https://znanija.com/task/326065

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