Напишите рассказ о защите окужающей среды в России (с переводом)

6 февраля 2013 - Администратор

Напишите рассказ о защите окужающей среды в России (с переводом)


Danger of irreversible changes of environment in separate regions of the Earth became real because of the increased scales of economic activities of the person. According to the World union of wildlife management (The World Conservation Union) for 2008 for last 500 years 844 kinds of animals have completely died out, and 23 % of mammals and 16 % of birds are in the world under the threat of extinction. From the beginning 80 on the average 1 kind/subspecies of animals disappeared daily, and a kind of plants — weekly. It is annually burned about 1 billion tons of conditional fuel, sulfurs, carbon are thrown out in atmosphere of hundred million tons оксидов nitrogen, the part from them comes back in the form of acid rains, soot, ashes and a dust.Soils and waters become soiled industrial and household drains (hundred billion т in a year), oil products (some million), mineral fertilizers (about hundred million) and pesticides, heavy metals (mercury, lead, etc.), a radioactive waste. There was a danger of infringement of the ozone screen of the Earth. Ability of biosphere to self-cleaning is close to a limit. Danger of uncontrollable change of environment and thereof threat to existence on the Earth live organisms, including the person, have demanded resolute practical measures on protection and wildlife management, legal regulation of use of natural resources. Streamlining of use of pesticides, phase-out concern such measures ядохимикатов, capable to collect in an organism, рекультивация the earths and so forth, and also creation of protected territories (reserves, national parks, etc.), the centers on cultivation of rare and disappearing animals and plants (including for preservation of a genofund of the Earth), drawing up world and national Red books creation of technologies without waste, treatment facilities.


 Опасность необратимых изменений природной среды в отдельных регионах Земли стала реальной из-за возросших масштабов хозяйственной деятельности человека. По данным Всемирного союза охраны природы (The World Conservation Union) на 2008 год за последние 500 лет полностью вымерло 844 вида животных, а 23% млекопитающих и 16% птиц в мире находятся под угрозой вымирания. С начала 80 гг. в среднем 1 вид/подвид животных исчезал ежедневно, а вид растений — еженедельно. Ежегодно сжигается около 1 млрд. тонн условного топлива, выбрасываются в атмосферу сотни млн. тонн оксидов азота, серы, углерода, часть из них возвращается в виде кислотных дождей, сажи, золы и пыли.Почвы и воды загрязняются промышленными и бытовыми стоками (сотни млрд. т в год), нефтепродуктами (несколько млн. т), минеральными удобрениями (около сотни млн. т) и пестицидами, тяжёлыми металлами (ртуть, свинец и др.), радиоактивными отходами. Появилась опасность нарушения озонового экрана Земли. Способность биосферы к самоочищению близка к пределу. Опасность неконтролируемого изменения окружающей среды и вследствие этого угроза существованию на Земле живых организмов, в том числе человека, потребовали решительных практических мер по защите и охране природы, правового регулирования использования природных ресурсов. К таким мерам относятся создание безотходных технологий, очистных сооружений, упорядочение использования пестицидов, прекращение производства ядохимикатов, способных накапливаться в организме, рекультивация земель и пр., а также создание охраняемых территорий (заповедники, национальные парки и др.), центров по разведению редких и исчезающих животных и растений (в том числе для сохранения генофонда Земли), составление мировой и национальных Красных книг.

Ответ #2:

Northern cooperation in the field of preservation of the environment A considerable quantity of environmental problems demands the decision through cooperation at national, regional and global levels. Especially it concerns such problems, as climate change, use and emissions of harmful chemical substances, protection of sea ecosystems, and also use of bioresources and preservation of a biological variety. Northern countries should work even more solid in the best way to use available resources and to realize joint decisions in region. The countries of Northern region aspire to play the leading part in Areas of preservation of the environment and then to impart experience with other regions. The modern model of consumption and manufacture has the big influence on ecology, and it means that the economy should be considered in aspect of ecology and on the contrary. Cooperation in Northern region Preservation of natural resources, environment protection, maintenance of a biological variety, ecology and the health, steady consumption and manufacture take an important place in the agenda of the countries of Northern region. Other important priorities of these countries are such questions, as interaction between environment and economy. Consumers have the right to safe, healthy foodstuff and on the maximum volume of the information on the consumed production given, for example, within the limits of programs of marks of production, in particular within the limits of the program экомаркировки «Northern swan». Northern cooperation is based on a synergy principle that means that the countries work together in those situations when association of efforts leads to more successful results or saves more resources, than the unilateral or bilateral approach. Cooperation can consist in work division between the countries or teamwork in the coordinated direction. This principle is taken as a principle cooperation in the field of preservation of the environment which in 2009-2012 will be conducted in following directions:Climate and airThe seas and coastal zonesA biological variety and ecological servicesSteady consumption and manufactureThe international activity in the field of preservation of the environment Northern countries have realized for a long time importance of active participation in the international cooperation. Problems of ecology don't know frontiers and can lead to conflicts between the countries and the people. Together Northern countries play large role in the European and global policy in this area. Coordination of efforts of Northern countries helps to do the contribution to the international ecological activity in the form of practical initiatives and the approved decisions. The given work to proceed in the future and will be improved. Northern countries do everything that ecology problems didn't remain without attention of EU. Denmark, Finland and Sweden are members of EU, and Norway and Iceland do the contribution to EU work to areas ecologists through the Contract about ЕЭЗ. Northern cooperation 


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