Напишите пожалуйста сочинение (предложений 10) на тему : мои каникулы. . . . очень срчно-завтра зачет :((((

29 декабря 2012 - Администратор
Напишите пожалуйста сочинение (предложений 10) на тему : мои каникулы. . . . очень срчно-завтра зачет :((((


Everybody loves holidays becouse during our holidays we can relax and have fan. You can do whatever you like, you do not ger up to earl, and do homework. You get enough time to travel, play your favourite sports and another hobbies. I had a plenty of time and read many books, magazines, newspapers every day. I also watched TV, listened to the music and went out for a walk. The weather wasn’t fine all the time. And when it was sunny and it did not rain, I could walk for a long time. When it was frosty and there was much snow, I played in the yard, went skating, skiing and tobogganing. I helped my parents about the house. I cleaned our flat, cooked meals and washed up. I went shopping almost every day and saw my friends. So I had a wonderful time. For me holidays never long.

Источник: https://znanija.com/task/46770

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