Мне нужно написать на английском языке об британских праздниках)

5 февраля 2013 - Администратор

Мне нужно написать на английском языке об британских праздниках)


I want to tell you about the  New Year in Great Britan.New Year Day is on January 1.People are preparing gifts for friends and family, decorate the house and cook dinner. They see the New Year in not only with family but and with friends. They are alweys on the table you can see the apple pie, roast goose and steaks. Traditional New Year parties and dances are held on the New Year`s Eve. When the clock begins to strike midnight, they opened the back door of the house and let old year, and with the last kick let in the New Year at the front door.

Ответ #2:

New Year Holiday 

Groundhog Day

St.Valentina s  Day

Matdi Gras(47 days before Easter)

Mother s  Day

St.Patrick s day

April Fool s day


Earth day

Iced Tea Day

Friendship Day

Father s day

Teachers day

Columbus day


Источник: https://znanija.com/task/322262

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