люди помогите пжл завтро спрашивать будут этот номер:(срочно надо Complete the tag-questions and answer them.   1)You didn't go anywhere, . . . ? 2)You stayed in your h

31 декабря 2012 - Администратор

люди помогите пжл завтро спрашивать будут этот номер:(срочно надо

Complete the tag-questions and answer them.


1)You didn't go anywhere, . . . ?

2)You stayed in your home town, . . . ?

3)The weather was terrible in the summer, . . . ?

4)Nobody went with you, . . . ?

7)You didn't make sandcastlesw on the beach, . . . ?

8)You had a lot of fun, . . . ?

9)You couldn't go abroad, . . . ?

10)Your parents were with you during the summer, . . . ?

11)You weren't in the north of our country, . . . ?

12)You didn't go to the forest much, . . . ?

13)You saw a lot of interesting places, . . . ?

14)You didn't write a diary, . . . ?

15)You invited nobody to visit you, . . . ?


1. did you

No, I didn't.

2. didn't you

Yes, I did.

3. wasn't it

Yes, it was.

4. didn't they

No, they didn't.

7. did you

No, I didn't.

8. hadn't you

Yes, I had.

9. could you

No, I couldn't.

10. weren't they

Yes, they were.

11. were you

No, I wasn't.

12. did you

No, I didn't. 

13. did you

Yes, I did.

14. did you  

No, I didn't.

15. did you

Yes, I did. 



Источник: https://znanija.com/task/264490

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