''Be in harmony with nature''напишите ещё сочинении пожалйста
''Be in harmony with nature''напишите ещё сочинении пожалйста
"Be in harmony with nature"ооруженный comprehensive knowledge about the nature of man is able to not only create a modern unique equipment with the minimal costs of material and energy resources, but also an integral part of the nature, to live in harmony with it, without violating the established during many thousands of years harmony of man and nature. The natural combination of the nature does not mean that it is necessary to refuse from the modern civilized conditions and live like our ancient ancestors. There are many examples of truly paradise corners, where man lives in harmony with nature and enjoy all the blessings which gave him civilization. This is, first of all, many of the smaller towns in Western Europe, where all created by man is harmonious in nature. These include Монтрезор - one of the smallest towns in the Loire valley, which is considered the wedding dress of France. Many centuries ago here was built a beautiful castle is a brilliant example of the organic unity and harmony of man and nature. You can call and havens Arab Emirates and Egypt, where all conditions have been created recently in a deserted land, which had long ago left the surprising variety of the living world. It is absolutely obvious that without fundamental knowledge of nature, without the spiritual and moral education it is impossible to live in harmony with nature and enjoy life in a man-made paradise corners. Many people understand that for the rest of this have to choose the places, where the preserved nature and wildlife: the blossoming meadows, sandy shores of the rivers with crystal clear water, covered with soft sparkling snow clearing, i.e. the place where you can experience the true pleasure of nature and experience the real joy of life. Fortunately, such places still exist. But few realize that leaving behind traces of civilized recreation, man rejects nature: the place of the diluted fire and discarded used dishes for a long time will not grow grass, yes, and the fire probably brought a momentary pleasure, may lead to fire, истребляющему forest, and become a source of the gas, which is intensifying the greenhouse effect. Consciously or rather unconsciously is a fatal wound nature, lost picturesque nook of nature, which could lure its beauty for recreation of other people. This, apparently, does not have happened if people learned known since ancient times simple bible truth: thou shalt Love thy neighbour as thyself. In this case, he would have thought over how to relax, that at the same place were able to relax and other people. This example clearly shows how important it is a combination of natural-scientific knowledge and spiritual and moral education, which should start from the early childhood. It is knowledge about the nature allow to judge about the consequences of those or other actions that violate the harmony of nature, and the spiritual and moral upbringing of the exempt a person from such actions. Only in this case, parents wanting to instill a high moral quality of his beloved child, the child will not watch indifferently, as he throws it on the lawn of the half-eaten apple or as trains in his work, разрисовывая and describing the facades of the houses. The spiritual and moral basis, laid in childhood, and comprehensive knowledge about the nature of the acquired later in life, - these are the two fundamental stone, on which rests the freedom of person, freedom in the broadest sense of the word - freedom from the simple - throwing cigarette butts out of the car and the stalling of rubbish in the woods to the global rash invasion in the living nature. Only on such a solid, reliable foundation you can build a wonderful palaces harmony of man and nature.
Источник: https://znanija.com/task/319595
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